Before starting your journey with us, we want to make sure you have accessed all the necessary information you need. Please see our frequently asked questions page before you get started.
Your first steps with
Sunny Days Nurseries

Step 1.
Tell us more about you and your child
We use this information to ensure we find you the right result when seeking childcare. We will also provide further information about the care we provide and how much it costs.
Step 2.
Can’t wait to meet you – book your tour here
Thank you for your enquiry, now we’d like to offer you a tour of our wonderful nursery.
Arrange a Nursery Visit
Choose your desired nursery location below
Step 3.
Register your child
If you’d like to register your child, we need you to complete an online registration form and we need you to pay a £35 registration fee. Once you have completed an online registration form, we then use this information to register your child on our system.
Registration cannot be accepted until we have met you and your child – please book your Sunny Tour.
Step 4.
Make your first payment
To secure your littles ones place with us please make a payment of £35 to the bank details detailed below – please use a clear reference for us to recognise.
Company Name: Sunny Days Nurseries Limited
Account No.: 01155471
Sort-code: 30-92-69
Company: Sunny Days Nursery
Account No.: 54413762
Sort-code: 30-80-37
Company: Sunny Day Childcare Limited
Account No.: 11502239
Step 5.
Settling in
Our settling in sessions help your little ones get comfortable with Sunny Days and give you peace of mind. This is your time to sit back and relax while we process your information and contact you about a start date and settling in sessions.